Why Has Meghan Markle Gotten the Royal Family Shaking in Its Boots?

Why Has Meghan Markle Gotten the Royal Family Shaking in Its Boots?

Meghan Markle's entrance into the British royal family has undeniably caused a seismic shift within the institution. A modern, biracial American actress marrying into one of the oldest monarchies in the world was bound to stir the waters, but the extent and nature of the impact have been far more profound than anyone anticipated. This article delves into the reasons why Meghan Markle has left the royal family in a state of unprecedented unease.

One of the primary reasons Meghan Markle has caused such a stir is her willingness to break from royal tradition. The British monarchy is steeped in centuries-old customs, protocols, and expectations. New members are typically expected to conform to these traditions, embracing a life of public service, discretion, and ceremonial duties.

Meghan, however, brought a breath of fresh air and a distinctly modern approach to her royal duties. Her advocacy for issues like gender equality, mental health, and racial justice were seen as a departure from the often-neutral stance the royal family prefers to maintain. Meghan's background as a self-made woman with a successful career, combined with her outspoken nature, clashed with the expected royal demeanor, creating friction and unease within the palace walls.

Meghan Markle's biracial heritage brought an unprecedented dimension to the royal family, which has long been criticized for its lack of diversity. Her marriage to Prince Harry was seen as a hopeful sign of the monarchy's evolution into a more inclusive institution. However, this intersection of race and royalty also exposed deep-seated prejudices and institutional racism within the royal establishment and the broader British society.

Meghan herself has spoken about the racism she faced, both from the media and within the royal family. In their explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey in March 2021, Meghan and Harry revealed that there were "concerns and conversations" about the potential skin color of their then-unborn child. Such revelations not only shocked the public but also highlighted the archaic attitudes that still pervade the institution, making the royal family appear out of touch with modern values.

From the outset of her relationship with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle has been subjected to intense and often hostile media scrutiny. The British tabloids, known for their aggressive and invasive reporting, have relentlessly pursued Meghan, portraying her in a negative light. Stories criticizing everything from her family background to her fashion choices have been a staple of the tabloid press.

This media onslaught has not only affected Meghan's mental health, as she has publicly admitted, but it has also created a significant public relations challenge for the royal family. The contrasting treatment of Meghan compared to other royals, such as Kate Middleton, has drawn accusations of racism and sexism, tarnishing the monarchy's image.

Meghan and Harry's use of modern communication platforms has also been a source of discomfort for the royal family. The couple's decision to step back from their royal duties and move to North America was announced on their Instagram account, a move that reportedly blindsided Buckingham Palace.

By leveraging social media and high-profile interviews, Meghan and Harry have been able to control their narrative in ways that traditional royals typically do not. Their openness about their struggles and criticisms of the institution have resonated with many people, especially younger generations who are more skeptical of traditional institutions. This direct line of communication has empowered Meghan and Harry but has also undermined the royal family's ability to manage and shape public perception.

The term "Megxit," coined by the British press, refers to Meghan and Harry's decision to step back from their roles as senior royals. This unprecedented move sent shockwaves through the monarchy and raised numerous questions about the future of the royal family. 

"Megxit" is significant not just because of the couple's departure, but because of what it symbolizes: a rejection of the traditional royal life in favor of personal freedom and happiness. Their departure has forced the royal family to confront its own relevance in a rapidly changing world. The notion that a member of the royal family could choose to step away from royal duties to pursue a more private, independent life is a radical departure from the norm and challenges the very foundation of the monarchy.

Another aspect that has unsettled the royal family is Meghan and Harry's pursuit of financial independence and their involvement in commercial ventures. Traditionally, senior royals are funded by the Sovereign Grant, which comes from public money, and they are expected to refrain from engaging in commercial activities to avoid conflicts of interest.

However, Meghan and Harry's decision to forge their own path financially, including signing deals with Netflix and Spotify, has blurred the lines between royal duties and personal enterprise. This move towards financial independence not only challenges the traditional funding model of the monarchy but also sets a precedent for future generations of royals who may wish to follow a similar path.

Meghan Markle's impact on the royal family extends beyond the immediate controversies. Her presence has acted as a catalyst for broader discussions about the role and relevance of the monarchy in contemporary society. The royal family, often seen as a bastion of continuity and tradition, is now being scrutinized for its ability to adapt and evolve in the face of societal changes.

Discussions about the monarchy's future, its role in a multicultural society, and its ability to remain relevant are now more prevalent than ever. Meghan's experiences have highlighted the need for the royal family to address issues of diversity, inclusion, and mental health more openly and proactively.

Meghan Markle has undoubtedly shaken the royal family to its core. Her willingness to break from tradition, her advocacy for modern values, and her open discussions about race and mental health have brought significant challenges to an institution defined by its adherence to protocol and discretion. The intense media scrutiny, combined with Meghan and Harry's use of modern communication methods, has further complicated the royal family's efforts to maintain control over its public image.

Meghan Markle's influence on the royal family may be seen as part of a broader transformation. While her impact has caused unease and controversy, it has also sparked important conversations about the monarchy's role in a changing world. Whether the royal family can adapt and embrace these changes remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: Meghan Markle has left an indelible mark on the institution, forcing it to confront issues it can no longer ignore.

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